A digital pathway for advancing gender equity
Pictured: A woman looking at her cellphone while the sun sets in the background.
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We’re strategically leveraging technology to strengthen women's agency and leadership, paving the way to a gender-equal world.
Women in all our diversity are siloed, and change is too slow. At the current pace, it will take 100 years to reach gender equity.
We use technology to connect women globally and address gender equity faster and together. One encauraging comment, one meaningful connection, one collaboration at a time.
By 2030, millions of connected women and allies on World Pulse will form an unstoppable force, driving a global paradigm shift toward gender equity.
Together, we’ll drive the revolution step by step—creating impact in the Now, shaping progress Next, and achieving lasting change in the Later as a result.
How Will We Get There?
We will scale the three pillars of our Theory of Change—Community, Voice, and Capacity—from foundational levels to broader impact, guided by a flexible, adaptive framework that prioritizes efforts across distinct time horizons. By balancing and phasing short-term and long-term goals, we remain agile and responsive to changing circumstances and make progress steadily.