Our Partners
Partnership Opportunities
Thank you for your interest in partnering with World Pulse!
World Pulse works with partners who share our passion for using technology to elevate women’s voices and accelerate the pace toward gender equity. Our goal is to forge lasting relationships and learn from and with global partners, colleagues, and leaders. We believe that our impact will be greater with partners by our side.
We seek partnerships that are rooted in collaboration and a commitment to mutual flourishing. If you have ideas for how we can partner, we’d love to hear from you. To submit your inquiry, please complete the partnership inquiry form below.
*Please note World Pulse does not provide funding to organizations.
Corporate Partners
Ecosystem Partners
WorldWide Web Foundation
The World Wide Web Foundation was established in 2009 by web inventor Sir Tim Berners-Lee to advance the open web as a public good and a basic right.
Wikimedia Foundation
The Wikimedia Foundation is the nonprofit that hosts Wikipedia and other free knowledge projects. They want to make it easier for everyone to share what they know by keeping the Wikipedia and Wikimedia sites fast, reliable, and available to all.
UN Women is the United Nations entity dedicated to gender equality and the empowerment of women. A global champion for women and girls, UN Women was established to accelerate progress on meeting their needs worldwide.
Global Fund for Women
Global Fund for Women is one of the world’s leading foundations for gender equality, standing up for the human rights of women and girls. They campaign for freedom from violence, economic justice, and sexual and reproductive health and rights.
Digital Impact Alliance
The Digital Impact Alliance (DIAL) advances digital inclusion to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), so that all women, men and children can benefit from life-enhancing, mobile-based digital services.
Oxfam is a confederation and a global movement working to tackle the inequalities that keep people in poverty. They support people to build better lives for themselves and for others.
Nobel Women’s Initiative
The Nobel Women’s Initiative uses the prestige of the Nobel Peace Prize and six courageous women peace laureates to magnify the power and visibility of women working in countries around the world for peace, justice and equality.
Pro Mujer
Pro Mujer is one of Latin America’s leading organizations committed to the empowerment of women. Their integrated approach offers access to finance, health and educational services to equip their beneficiaries so they reach their full potential.
Collective Impact Partnership
The Collective Impact Partnership (CIP) leverages the powerful work of Rise Up, How Women Lead, the Public Health Institute, Global Fund for Women, and World Pulse to increase the economic power of women and girls in India through advocacy, individual leadership, justice and economic empowerment.
Rise Up
Rise Up activates women and girls to transform their lives, families and communities for a more just and equitable world through investment in local solutions, strengthening leadership, and building movements.
Girls Not Brides
Girls Not Brides is a global partnership of more than 1300 civil society organisations from over 100 countries committed to ending child marriage and enabling girls to fulfil their potential.
Hispanics in Philanthropy
Hispanics in Philanthropy (HIP) is on a mission to strengthen Latino leadership, influence and equity by leveraging philanthropic resources, and doing so with an unwavering focus on social justice and shared prosperity across the Americas.
The WE Empower Challenge is a global business competition for women entrepreneurs and social entrepreneurs who are advancing the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals and inspiring entire communities to create the world we want by 2030.
Chime for Change
CHIME FOR CHANGE is a global campaign founded by Gucci, along with Salma Hayek and Beyonce Knowles-Carter in 2013 to convene, unite and strengthen the voices speaking out for gender equality.
International Women’s Media Foundation
The IWMF works to unleash the power of female journalists to transform the global news media, providing their fellows safety training, byline opportunities, and emergency support tailored to female journalists and photographers around the world.
African Women’s Development Fund USA
The African Women’s Development Fund (AWDF) is a grantmaking foundation that supports local, national and regional women’s organisations working towards the empowerment of African women and the promotion and realisation of their rights.
I am the Code
The #iamtheCODE is a pivotal movement to mobilise governments, business and investors to support young women in STEAMED (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, Mathematics, Entrepreneurship and Design).
Technovation is a global tech education nonprofit that empowers girls and families to become leaders, creators and problem-solvers by coding mobile apps and learning to use AI tools to address real-world problems.
Take Back the Tech
Take Back The Tech! Is a global, collaborative campaign project initiated by the Association for Progressive Communications (APC) Women's Rights Programme highlighting the problem of tech-related violence against women, offering safety roadmaps.
Whose Knowledge?
Whose Knowledge? is a global campaign to center the knowledge of marginalized communities (the majority of the world) on the internet. 3/4 of the online population of the world today comes from the global South – from Asia, from Africa, from Latin America.
A+ Alliance
The pilot phase of this invitation-only global Feminist AI Research network will gather a cohort of eminent social scientists, economists, and activists, side by side with data, machine learning and computer scientists to discuss how to fix the system and leverage AI for women’s rights.
The Alliance for Affordable Internet (A4AI) is a global coalition working to drive down the cost of internet access in low and middle income countries through advocacy, research and in-country engagement.
Coalition for Adolescent Girls
The Coalition for Adolescent Girls (CAG) is a member-led and driven organization dedicated to supporting, investing in, and improving the lives of adolescent girls.
The International Campaign to Stop Rape & Gender Violence in Conflict
The International Campaign to Stop Rape & Gender Violence in Conflict unites organizations and individuals into a powerful and coordinated effort to amplify the voices of survivors and stop rape.
Global Journalist Security
GJS works for news, non-profit, corporate and government clients to provide private news organizations with security consulting services and training options for staff, freelance journalists and other contributors.
Ethical Markets
ETHICAL MARKETS MEDIA is an independent media company promoting the emergence of a sustainable, green, more ethical and just economy worldwide.
The Gratitude Network
The Gratitude Network is a leadership development organization for social entrepreneurs serving children and youth. Through a year-long virtual leadership development Fellowship social entrepreneurs hone their leadership skills to work with their teams more effectively, and ultimately increase their organization’s impact.